GoDaddy - a provider from the U.S., which serves many clients and has a lot of experience. The pluses of the service include stability and high site loading speed, a lot of additional services, assistance in site creation. But now there are many complaints about cooperation with the project, which relate to prices, problems with domains, delays in the control panel
GoDaddy – a provider from the U.S., which serves many clients and has a lot of experience. The pluses of the service include stability and high site loading speed, a lot of additional services, assistance in site creation. But now there are many complaints about cooperation with the project, which relate to prices, problems with domains, delays in the control panel.
GoDaddy - a provider from the U.S., which serves many clients and has a lot of experience. The pluses of the service include stability and high site loading speed, a lot of additional services, assistance in site creation. But now there are many complaints about cooperation with the project, which relate to prices, problems with domains, delays in the control panel.
Enemmän rehellisiä mielipiteitä todellisilta ihmisiltä yrityksestä GoDaddy
Sergey Boksha3 vuotta takaisin
Arvioi arviosi0
goDaddystä. He yrittivät automaattisesti poistaa rahaa verkkotunnuksen...
goDaddystä. He yrittivät automaattisesti poistaa rahaa verkkotunnuksen uusimisesta. Hyvä ettei kortilla ollut rahaa. Palvelun sisällä ei voi tehdä mitään, tililläni on kaikki estetty paitsi heidän mainontansa. En voi poistaa verkkotunnusta tai tehdä joitain toimintoja. Eivätkö Internet-petoksia käsittelevät... Lue lisää
4 vuotta takaisin
Arvioi arviosi0
Tarkastellessaan viimeaikaisia arvosteluja amerikkalaisen palveluntarjoajan GoDaddyn työstä...
Tarkastellessaan viimeaikaisia arvosteluja amerikkalaisen palveluntarjoajan GoDaddyn työstä käyttäjä voi nähdä, että temaattisilla venäläisillä sivustoilla verkkovastaavat keskustelevat aktiivisesti palveluntarjoajasta. Erityisesti alusta sai eniten palautetta tukipalvelun työstä, jossa monet asiakkaat... Lue lisää
GoDaddy - a provider from the U.S., which serves many clients and has a lot of experience. The pluses of the service include stability and high site loading speed, a lot of additional services, assistance in site creation. But now there are many complaints about cooperation with the project, which relate to prices, problems with domains, delays in the control panel
GoDaddy – a provider from the U.S., which serves many clients and has a lot of experience. The pluses of the service include stability and high site loading speed, a lot of additional services, assistance in site creation. But now there are many complaints about cooperation with the project, which relate to prices, problems with domains, delays in the control panel.