Crossout is a scam in disguise no different to 90% of mobile games nowadays !
The whole game is a scam…. the programming is obviously designed to make you feel like your new weapons are weak so you need to buy more
Then when you buy more they match you with players who have spent more
Better versions of the weapons youve just bought
The market is 100% a scam…. it is NOT player controlled…
They clearly fix the prices and bully you into spending more by constantly out bidding you by 0.01c
They recycle weapons over and over with so called "ballance updates"
Making some weapons useless…. others more powerfull
So people sell for cheap and buy the better weapons for more
Then six months later those weapons are "nerfed"
And the cycle goes round and round
typical mobile phone game, free to download, pay to win…..
Its a fantastic game on the surface
Pay to win
Enemmän rehellisiä mielipiteitä todellisilta ihmisiltä yrityksestä Crossout
Chemik Tiger3 vuotta takaisin
Arvioi arviosi0
Sinun valintasi
Crossout tekee tavallisista ihmisistä punaniskaisia ja itsekkäitä ihmisiä, ja sinun on päätettävä, haluatko sellaiseksi tulla.)))))
Serzh CHemodanov3 vuotta takaisin
Arvioi arviosi0
Rednecks ratsioita
Crossout on peli, jossa ei saa pitää hauskaa ja ansaita resursseja, oksentajat ja piikkiset nappaavat typerästi kaikki botit itselleen, eikä sinulla yksinkertaisesti ole paikkaa mistä ampua. Tämän seurauksena olet ilman pisteitä ja siten ilman resursseja. Ja raidin ympärillä ajaminen ja näiden punaniskaisten... Lue lisää
victor vodka5 vuotta takaisin
Arvioi arviosi3
Peli roskaa, hallinto ja moderointi hankkeen, inhottavia...
Peli roskaa, hallinto ja moderointi hankkeen, inhottavia ihmisiä, jotka estävät kaikki riittävä kognitiivinen, järjestetty chat ja foorumi myrkyllinen suo. Asianmukainen viestintä on mahdotonta, chatissa ja foorumilla ystäviltä ylläpitäjien, sashay ilman loppua loukkauksia, uhkia kaikki mahdolliset mauttomia... Lue lisää
Crossout is a scam in disguise no different to 90% of mobile games nowadays !
The whole game is a scam…. the programming is obviously designed to make you feel like your new weapons are weak so you need to buy more
Then when you buy more they match you with players who have spent more
Better versions of the weapons youve just bought
The market is 100% a scam…. it is NOT player controlled…
They clearly fix the prices and bully you into spending more by constantly out bidding you by 0.01c
They recycle weapons over and over with so called "ballance updates"
Making some weapons useless…. others more powerfull
So people sell for cheap and buy the better weapons for more
Then six months later those weapons are "nerfed"
And the cycle goes round and round
typical mobile phone game, free to download, pay to win…..